The web site www.mardeibiza.net is a platform belonging to José Manuel campos Martín, (equally Mar de ibiza), located in Calle Julio César, 8, Sevilla, Spain , which Tax Identification Number is N.I.F.: 28.901.405-L
Having signed in this Web Site and having access to all its pages, you are considered as a user of the Web Site, and it is presumed that you accept all Terms and Conditions here included. The access to some pages of this Web Site may be limited by the laws of the jurisdictions of different countries.
The information given on the Web Site, included the one about products and services, has the objective of being used, basically, by companies, societies, trusts, natural or juristic person or any other entity (hereinafter, “Entities”) located in any country. Nevertheless, Mar de Ibiza refuses any responsibility derived from the access of Entities in jurisdictions where the distribution or use of the information of the Web Site could be contrary to its regulations or rules.
The Web Site provides to its users information about products and services offered or demanded by the rest of registered users, as well as their conditions and professional profiles, with the aim of building international commercial relationships.
Furthermore, the Web Site gives Entities the possibility to advertise their business and be this advertisement visible to all users.
It is necessary to be signed in the Web Site in order to have access to the information detailed previously.
The Web Site will provide Customer Service to all registered users through the following email address: info@mardeibiza.net
Mar de Ibiza will not be responsible in any case of fails or break downs of the net caused by Force Majeure events or other kind of events attributable to third parties.
The Web Site will provide constant services using all technical resources within reach. Additionally, The Web Site will have the right to make all changes or updating when necessary.
All users should sign in the Web Site in order to know and look up the information included in it. To get registered, it is necessary to fill in the form completing some mandatory fields.
All users that log in the Web Site must be of legal age and have enough legal capacity in order to reach any agreement in accordance with the regulations in force.
Once completed all fields in the registration form, a user account will be created. The user will have access to this account through his/her email address and password chosen when signing in.
The user is allowed to modify his/her personal data in his/her own profile or in the setting section. The Web Site allows only one account by person or company (one account by Tax Identification Nº).
The user will receive newsletters and alerts about changes, news, updates, events or promotions done by Mar de Ibiza or other partners related to the international trade, nationally or in foreign countries.
The user has the right to reject the emailing sent by Mar de Ibiza at any moment, by unsubscribing following the instructions detailed at the bottom of the newsletters or alerts.
This Web Site belongs to José Manuel Campos Martń The rights of Intellectual Property, exploitation and copyrights of this Web Site, its pages, its screens, the information it contains, its appearance and design, as well as all its links are exclusively property of him, unless contrary indication.
All the names, designs and logos forming this Web Site are registered brands.
Any wrongful use of these by other person than its legal owner may be pursued in accordance with the law in force.
The intellectual rights and brands of third parties are properly highlighted and must be respected by every user registered.
The Web Site contents may be downloaded, copied or printed only for a personal and private usage.
It is forbidden to copy, transmit, modify or delete any information, content or warning of this Web Site without a previous written consent by Mar de Ibiza.
If reasonable reasons have been taken to assure the accuracy of this information, Mar de Ibiza does not guarantee its truthfulness, completeness or updating, and, consequently, we recommend that users should not totally trust all published information.
Mar de Ibiza deliberately declines any responsibility as a result of any error or omission in the information appeared in any of its pages.
The information about refunds, texts, images, products and/or services of coworker Entities that appear on the Web Site have been provided by the owners of these Entities, not being Mar de Ibiza able to fully guarantee the accuracy or updating of this information.
Mar de Ibiza reserves the right to modify, halt, cancel or restrict the content of the Web Site, the content of its links or the content of the information published in it, without any need of prior notice.
In any case, Mar de Ibiza or its managers, its employees or authorized staff will be responsible for any kind of prejudice, lost, complaint or expenses caused or not by the use of the Web Site, the information obtained on or from it, the virus, operational failure or interruptions in the services or transmission. The use of the Web Site by direct connection or by link or any other way means a warning to all users of the possibility to have these kind of problems.
It is totally forbidden to transmit or send through the Web Site any illegal or unlawful content, virus or message that may affect or break the rights of Mar de Ibiza or third parties.Mar de Ibiza is not responsible for the rest of web sites accessible through its links or any other content provided by third parties. Any access or use of external web sites or links is done of the User’s will and risk.
Mar de Ibiza does not recommend or guarantee the information obtained by any link of the Web Site. Mar de Ibiza is not responsible for the loss, complaint or prejudice derived from the use or the wrong use of any link, the information or links obtained from this same link or the interruptions while accessing.
It is forbidden any form of copy, distribution, public communication, modification, and in general, any other act of exploitation of the total or some content of the Web Site without the previous written permission by Mar de Ibiza or the owners of its rights.
The User is entirely responsible for his/her behaviour when, while or after accessing and completing the registration form on the Web Site.
The User commits to not create fake accounts or to use other accounts on behalf other persons or Users, nor to make a fraudulent use of the Web Site.
The User commits to not use any of the content provided by the Web Site, made or not by Mar de Ibiza, published or not under its name, with the objective of developing activities contraries to the law, the moral or the law enforcement. All those who access to the Web Site must know the applicable legislation, ethical or conduct codes to which they subscribe, as well as the user guideline of the Web Site. According to this, in an expository manner, the User will abstain from doing the following: Reproduce, copy, distribute, permit the public access through any way of public communication, transform or change the contents, unless legally permitted or having the previous authorisation of the owner; Register untrue or wrong professional or commercial data that could cause misunderstandings or fraudulent acts for the rest of users, Use the contents or information of any nature obtained from the Web Site or its services, to send advertisements or communications with selling or commercial purposes, as well as not requested messages addressed to an external group with independence of its objective. The User should abstain from commercialise or reveal this information too.
The User will be responsible for any damages that Mar de Ibiza may suffer as a result of the breach of any of the obligations here mentioned.
Mar de Ibiza reserves the right of updating the content of the Web Site when advisable, as well as delete, limit or block the access to this information, temporarily or permanently; refuse the access to the Web Site to Users that may use wrongly its contents and/or break any of the conditions mentioned in this policy, without any need of compensation or indemnity for the blocked User.
The Web Site reserves the right to unsubscribe or deny the access to any logged User that may use dishonestly the Web Site, break the mentioned conditions or have suspicious or untrue personal or professional data.
Furthermore, Mar de Ibiza reserves all the actions that may correspond because of the infractions that logged Users may commit.
This Terms and Policies document is governed by the Spanish legislation, being the Court of Sevilla the competent authorities to know any controversies with express resignation to the pertinent regional code of laws.
If you are not 100% satisfied with your purchase, you can return the product and get a full refund or exchange the product for another one, be it similar or not.
Please note that, due to international regulations, we are unable to ship perfume-type products to the UK and Switzerland. We regret any inconvenience this may cause and thank you for your understanding.
Delivery: 7 working days (likely timeframe).
Spain: 8 € includes VAT (including Islas Canarias, Ceuta y Melilla).
Rest of Europe: 15 € includes VAT
Shipments are made only on the European continent
Free shipping for orders of 60€ or more.
You can return a product for up to 14 days from the date you purchased it.
Any product you return must be in the same condition you received it and in the original packaging. Please keep the receipt.
Step1: Send us an email to. info@mardeibiza.net to let us know your complaint.
Step 2: Package your product in the same conditions you have receive it.
Step 3: Once parcel received, will proceed the goods to the refund your amount in conformity with RDL 1/2007.